Frequently Asked Questions

A Risk Management Plan (RMP) must identify potential risks which could result in the emission of refrigerant to the atmosphere and outline measures to minimise the possibility of those risks occurring.

Your RMP must reflect risks and measures relevant to what occurs with your refrigerant both on and off the job. This applies whether your business is conducted from a vehicle or building, or whether you are a sole trader or employ 100 technicians.

It is important that RTA applicants understand what is required in an RMP as insufficient RMPs are one of the main reasons RTA application assessments are not approved.

A sample RMP covering the broadest risk assessment is available on the ARC website – click here

Only the risks that are valid for your business should be included in your RMP, and the format and medium of the RMP is at the RTA’s discretion.

NO. Importers of equipment containing fluorocarbon-based refrigerants require an import licence issued by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). Further details can be found here

The Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Management Regulations 1995 provide that persons or businesses that acquire, store or dispose of refrigerants must hold a current Refrigerant Trading Authorisation issued by ARC on behalf of the Australian Government.

Businesses that acquire refrigerant (other than halon) for use in the manufacture of RAC must hold a current Refrigerant and Air-conditioning Equipment Manufacturing Trading Authorisation (RAEMTA).

Since the amendments to the regulations, a new class of authorisation has been made available for businesses that have no need to purchase refrigerant. The Restricted Refrigerant Trading Authorisation (RRTA) allows the holder to acquire, possess and dispose of refrigerant provided that the refrigerant is only acquired by being recovered from equipment at the end of its useful life and it is only disposed of by being provided to the operator of a refrigerant destruction facility.

All three types of Refrigerant Trading Authorisation can be obtained by submitting a Refrigerant Trading Authorisation application via the ARC website,

NO. If the refrigerant is contained in equipment, such as a split system air conditioner, a Refrigerant Trading Authorisation is not required. However a refrigerant handling licence is required to install this type of equipment. You should note that restrictions on the sale of this type of equipment may apply in some states and territories. Restrictions can be checked with the relevant state or territory government authorities.

A Pre-charged Equipment import licence is required if you intend to import refrigeration or air conditioning equipment that contains a HFC or HCFC refrigerant charge. More details can be found on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website here.

YES. Complete a Refrigerant Trading Authorisation application form and when approved your listing will appear under your nominated major activity.

No. There are national controls on all fluorocarbon refrigerants such as HCFCs, HFCs and CFCs. These refrigerants can damage the ozone layer and are potent greenhouse gases. Other ‘natural refrigerants’ such as ammonia and hydrocarbons are not subject to national controls. However their use may be controlled, for health and safety or consumer protection, by state authorities.

It depends on the ownership. If the business has a materially new ownership (completely different people), it will need a new RTA. But RTAs whose ownership has not changed can keep their existing RTA number – you will be asked for some documentation to confirm the ABN and ownership details and there may be a processing fee, but you will not need a new RTA. Please contact ARC for further information.

All licence fees are GST exempt. The Goods and Services Tax does not apply.

Current Refrigerant Trading Authorisations can be cancelled at any time. Simply fill in the cancellation form here and email completed form to or mail to ARC, Locked Bag, 3033 Box Hill VIC 3128.

A full list of the Refrigerant Trading Authorisation industry segments can be found here.