The ARC works hard to drive customers to refrigeration and air conditioning businesses.

Consumer Help

There is a clear and present risk if consumers use non-licensed or inappropriately licensed technicians to install or service their air conditioners or refrigerators - a risk to both the environment and their wallet.

Appropriately licensed ARC refrigeration and air conditioning technicians and authorised businesses have shown themselves to be qualified to do the job consumers have hired them to do. They have met the licensing / authorisation requirements under the Ozone Regulations, and the fact that an ARC licence holder must adhere to an Industry Code of Practice and prove they have the relevant qualifications for their licence – means they are qualified to do the job their licence entitles them to do.

Some ARC licensed technicians are qualified and licensed to install split system air conditioners only. Others are qualified and licensed to install, service and maintain all air conditioning and refrigeration systems (excluding vehicles) or work on vehicle cooling systems only.

Using non-licensed or inappropriately licensed technicians means consumers run the risk of:

  • Sub-par service / installation which may mean additional services are required
  • Product warranty becoming null and void
  • Refrigerant leaking into the atmosphere - damaging the environment and bad for the performance of the system

Visit the ARC consumer website for further information.

Download your free air conditioning guides

Only a licensed specialist knows how to handle the environmentally harmful refrigerant in air conditioners both in your home and your car.

Buying or servicing an air conditioner in your home or office?

Find out what you should consider when buying and servicing an air conditioner:

  • Ensure you protect your warranty
  • Learn how to identify a licensed technician
  • Use our checklist to help you

Download your free guide

Keeping cool in your car

Look after yourself and take care of the air conditioning in your car:

  • Save money with the right servicing and maintenance
  • Know what to look out for when dealing with your mechanic

Download your free guide

About The Tick

The tick identifies a business or individual as being authorised to install, service and repair fridges, freezers and air conditioners, depending on the type of ARC licence they hold.

Without it they may be operating illegally, so always ask to see their licence before they begin their work.

Visit for further information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions about air conditioning, refrigeration and the role the ARC plays in the industry.


Air Conditioning Guide for Home or Office

Find out what you should consider when buying and servicing an air conditioner.

Air Conditioning Guide for the car

Look after yourself and take care of the air conditioning in your car.

Look for the Tick website

Check to ensure that your technician is licensed to perform air conditioning or refrigeration work before they begin.

Look for the Tick FAQs

Find answers to the most common questions about air conditioning and refrigeration.