The Australian Refrigeration Council provides information and resources to people thinking of entering the climate control industry, apprentices and industry professionals. We take pride in the profession, promoting the climate control industry as a sector “in demand”, as well as partnering with stakeholders to ensure the level of training in the sector is of a high standard.
Over 100,000 licensed and qualified technicians have driven the standard and skill of the industry, and been the recipients of high level, nationally recognised training standards across the country.
However, with every high performing sector there are challenges to maintain this level of excellence.
Appropriate qualifications are the cornerstone of the ARCTick licence scheme and ARC Green Scheme Accreditation, and accordingly we take the matter of the standard of training in achieving those qualifications extremely seriously.
The ARC has worked with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) on a number of occasions to improve training quality in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. ASQA is the vocational education and training regulator tasked with ensuring the quality of training in Australia.
While the ARC has no power to sanction training providers directly, we work in partnership with ASQA to achieve quality training outcomes.
If you have any concerns over the quality of training for courses in the RAC sector, you can lodge a complaint through ASQA:
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
Phone: 1300 701 801
The training industry regulator Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has just completed a review focusing ‘short course duration’, identifying it as a systemic risk across the vocational training sector.
The review found that the long-term sustainability of the vocational education training (VET) system is at risk unless the issue of unduly short training is definitively addressed.
"ARC has been working with ASQA on the issue of short course training delivey in the RAC sector for a number of years, providing ASQA with case studies on actual Certificate II and III training outcomes and durations which they use to assist with their investigations," said ARC CEO Glenn Evans.
"ARC welcomes the findings of the report and we will continue to work with ASQA regarding refrigeration and air conditioning training to see that only high quality training is provided," said Mr Evans.
ARC, in partnership with Refrigerants Australia and selected TAFE Colleges, has developed a set of free A2/A2L refrigerant training resources and assessment materials for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). RTO teachers are encouraged to make use of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited training resources and assessment material in their training to ensure technician safety.
Read this helpful guide to find a course and training provider nearest to you.
Alternative refrigerants training in safety awareness and servicing of stationary refrigeration and air conditioning systems is becoming available to technicians across the country.