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Emerging automotive refrigerants The HFC (hydrofluorocarbons) phase-down has been initiated by the Australian Government to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. R1234YF and R744 (carbon dioxide) are two refrigerants that have been adopted by some global vehicle manufacturers as alternatives to R134a.
This document contains: • AS/NZS ISO 817:2016 Refrigerants-Designation and safety classification • What Gas? Information and identification tool • Danfoss Ref Tools (previously Refrigerant Slider) mobile app for air conditioning and refrigeration technicians
Australian Government list of blends from R404A-R515A, Commercial or trade name and GWP.
Australian Government list including group, substance and 100-year GWP
Any person who handles refrigerant or works on RAC equipment using a refrigerant regulated under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995 must hold a refrigerant handling licence. Handling a refrigerant means doing anything with the refrigerant, or a component of RAC equipment, that carries the risk of its emission, including:
The refrigerant handling licence and refrigerant trading authorisation cover all fluorocarbon refrigerants: chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons. Examples of these include R12, R22, R134A, R410A and R404A.
Fluorocarbon refrigerants are harmful to the environment if emitted to the atmosphere. Under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995, persons handling refrigerant must hold a current Refrigerant Handling Licence. This licence is issued by ARC on behalf of the Australian government and can be obtained by completing the online licence application form on this website.
Under the regulations it is an offence of strict liability to handle fluorocarbon refrigerant without the appropriate ARC licence. You must apply for the relevant refrigerant handling licence. Click here to see which licences are available through the ARC.
Provided that you have advised ARC of any subsequent change of address/email address, you will receive a notification to apply for your new licence.
Under the current Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995 (OPSGHGMR 1995), all Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) marine engineers holding a current AMSA Certificate of Competency or valid AMSA certificate of recognition as a Marine Engineer Watchkeeper, Marine Engineer Class Two or Marine Engineer Class One will not be required to hold a refrigerant handling licence (RHL) for any refrigerant handling work at sea.
These exemptions do not apply for Marine Engineer Class Three, any Marine Engine Driver grade certificates or any other maritime qualification or licence, or any other person who handles refrigerant for any work on refrigeration or air conditioning (RAC) equipment at sea. All individuals not exempt under the current OPSGHGMR 1995 are required to hold a restricted marine RHL which permits the holder to handle refrigerant and undertake work on RAC equipment only when a vessel is at sea.
Application for a restricted marine RHL must include a letter from the employer indicating that the applicant is able to competently handle refrigerant and do the RAC work.
You will need to speak to a registered training organisation (RTO) to determine which licence qualification you are seeking and enrol in the selected course.
RTOs include TAFE colleges and private providers who are authorised to issue qualification certificates; many are listed on this web site here. If you believe that you already have the relevant training and experience, but do not hold the required qualification, you may not need to do any further training.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) is a process for recognising that you have gained skills, knowledge and experience from other courses, academic education, work experience and training on the job.
To use RPL or RCC to obtain a licence, you need to obtain the required qualification from a registered training organisation (RTO). In order to do so you must enrol in the relevant course and, having enrolled in the course you may complete it by:
• Applying for partial or full RPL/RCC;
• Completing a program of training;
• A combination of both of the above.
A trainee Refrigerant Handling Licence may be required. Please contact the ARC for more information on 1300 88 44 83.
No. There are national controls on all fluorocarbon refrigerants such as HCFCs, HFCs and CFCs. These refrigerants can damage the ozone layer and are potent greenhouse gases. Other ‘natural refrigerants’ such as ammonia and hydrocarbons are not subject to national controls. However their use may be controlled, for health and safety or consumer protection, by state authorities.
ARC’s Green Scheme Accreditation program provides a pathway for refrigeration and air conditioning technicians to upskill to use the new and emerging refrigerants and technologies into the industry. Find more details of this nationally recognised accreditation here
The ARC licence scheme is underpinned by Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) based qualifications. Certified qualifications are required to be supplied before assessment and issue of licence can be made.
For technicians who completed their qualifications before the introduction of competency-based training, and who therefore may have difficulty accessing their qualifications and proof of industry experience, the ARC advises the following options:
If the applicant has a trade qualification certificate but no proof of industrial experience:
If the applicant has proof of industrial experience but no qualification documentation:
All ARC licence application fees are GST exempt. The Goods and Services Tax does not apply.