17 January 2022


Draft guidelines document from EPA Victoria signals the new way for business

The Australian Refrigeration Council has welcomed the release of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria’s draft guidelines for managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for public consultation. 

“EPA Victoria’s release of these draft guidelines demonstrates a growing emphasis on the role we all play in the protection of our environment and broader community health from greenhouse gas emissions,” said Australian Refrigeration Council CEO, Glenn Evans.

“Australia’s refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector has led the way, adhering to an emission reduction scheme/program for almost twenty years.

 “Since the introduction of the industry’s national licensing scheme back in 2005, Australia’s RAC technicians, numbering more than 115,000 today, have reduced Australia’s emissions of ozone depleting gasses by more than 25 mega tonnes.

 “More and more, the environment has become the driver and state and federal governments implement operating guidelines that make it necessary for businesses to evolve.

 “Businesses across all industries will introduce practises that reduce environmental damage as governments adopt a risk management approach to cutting GHG emissions to reduce harm to others and the environment.”

 The release of EPA’s draft guidelines for managing GHG emissions follows the implementation of Victoria’s Environment Protection Act 2017 (the Act) on 1 July 2021.

 Victoria’s GED, or general environmental duty, is central to the Act and requires people conducting activities that pose pollution or waste risks to the community or the environment to take steps to minimise them.

 Anyone interested in commenting on the draft guidelines has until 8 February to lodge a submission.  The government’s engagement summary will be published in August and the guide is expected to be finalised soon after.

 For further information, please contact Rachelle Connor rconnor@arctick.org