3 December 2024
Australia supports Indonesian training initiative
An Australian delegation of government and industry experts recently visited Indonesia to support it to meet its obligations to phase out ozone depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol.
Senior representatives of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), Refrigerants Australia and the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) undertook the visit in conjunction with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
After meetings with the Government of Indonesia and UNDP, they delivered awareness raising workshops to local industry representatives in Jakarta, Samarinda and Bekasi on alternatives to using hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) technologies in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector.
Australian experts also provided some recommendations in relation to updating Indonesia’s regulatory frameworks for standard setting and how to update training resources for refrigeration and air conditioning technicians.
Indonesia is committed to meet its Montreal Protocol compliance target of 100% reduction in consumption of ozone depleting substances by 2030 and to commence its phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
Drawing on the success of Australia’s ARCtick licensing scheme for refrigeration and air conditioning technicians and businesses, the delegation provided information and suggestions on updating certification mechanisms for RAC technicians, codes of practice, equipment needed for training institutions and how to ensure quality of refrigeration and air conditioning installations in Indonesia.
The delegation observed a deep interest by Indonesian industry institutions in training and a dedication to teaching and learning in this sector, with teachers and students believing that learning the trade offered them both a better life and capacity to deliver a high-quality service to their community.
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Media Contact: Greg Shoemark 0412 577 526 gshoemark@arctick.org